Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh the JOY!

*****Warning this is not a positive post*****

Well, I don't know about all of you but the week you come back from vacation is QUITE the adjustment! I have been sooo bored since I got back. Just having to get back into being alone most of the day is hard. I've noticed that I watch the clock like crazy waiting for 5 or 6 to come around so I can go and pick up Beau. I know sad huh? It's not like I don't have things to do....I just get bored with it. Siiiiiiiiigh. Oh well, Just needed to vent.
p.s.s. or p.p.s. I know it is one of those. Anyways I know I totally should have posted picutres but they are upstairs and I didn't want to run upstairs for them. Yep LAAAAAZY!


Bullard Family said...

I am totally with you...I guess this is why I am the first to comment. It always takes me a while to get back into my "Iowa Life." I love it... It is just a adjustment. Lets get together soon

Anonymous said...

This weather definitely does not help the "back to Iowa" adjustment. I think we are all just as bored as you but are not willing to leave our houses to do anything about it!

SarahandJD said...

Sarah-I agree with everyone else. Honestly Iowa winters are not fun and it is especially worse when you just come back from having fun with family. We are glad you are finally back and hope to see you soon! I know I should do so muc hbut i just continue to sit around waiting for the sun!

510Jen said...

Hey bored girl. Give me a call I would love to hang out. Museum, lunch, play place, whatever you know the usual call me.

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Can't really sympathize with the in St. George and all. But don't worry...there is comfort in being home. It'll hit you.