I am one of the happiest mom's on the planet right now. Our little bug is strong and healthy and a BOY! I would have been happy with a boy or a girl but to know now that I am having another sweet little bug! Ohhh the joy. I am so excited. I was wanting to scan my ultrasound pictures and post the announcement with those but I can't seem to figure out my scanner. So I will do another post with those pictures but for now I just wanted to announce that I am having a boy. I will write more about the fun ultrasound with the pictures I post later.
p.s. I just have to say I made that announcement in photoshop just playing around. I'm really proud of it because it is my first real project. I KNOW IT IS VERY EASY AND SIMPLE FOR MOST...but for me...a HUGE accomplishment. haha
...and i just wanted to inform you all that i have only been wrong 1 tiem out of 12 so far with my sisters....i am the best guesser ever! congratulations sarie!!! i am sooo excited for Ezra!!!!!!!
Yeah! Congrats on the best news! The announcement looks great.
HOORAY!! How perfect....boy, girl, boy! Your children are beautiful so I can't wait to see the new Baby BOY Ross. Oh, and good photoshoppin'!!
CONGRATS! Happy for you guys. Hope you are feeling as good as you look! AWESOME.
Congrats! That is so fun! Another little boy! Do you have some names in mind?
Congratulations! You know I love boys! I'm really happy for you. Tilly is gonna be one protected girl. I think your announcement is cute. where'd you get the paper?
Congrats! We LOVE boys! Such great news, and such a blessing that he's healthy :)
s...we are soooooo excited for you...i think brant was a little jealous (though he wouldn't trade his princesses) love you o
congrats, Sarah! Rob can't wait to see what Cotton looks like!
Yay!!! That is so exciting! Do you have any names picked out? If you don't share them it's ok, I wouldn't blame you. Jason and I have had 3 names stolen already. And they were all by family members- ewwww!
How WONDERFUL! That is so great. A happy, healthy boy... any names yet?
hip hip hooray!!! That is definitely good news! I'll bet Tucker is so excited!
Congrats! I am so excited for you. Way to go on the Photoshop! Maybe you need to be teaching me :)
We are so happy for you and Beau. That's awesome. We can't wait to see our new little nephew. Hope your feeling great. Noah's pumped to have another boy in the family. Finally.
I guessed right. I think that makes me the best guesser ever. Congrats Sarah.
Fantastic news! So glad that the baby is healthy and you are HAPPY! Love it.
Yeah! I love boys! Congrats!
Congrats you guys, that's awesome.
Sarah-I'm so excited for you and happy he is healthy. I hope all is well. I haven't seen you forever. Someday it will warm up and I will come out of my den!
HOORAY! We don't know about this boy stuff, but love that you get to!
Yea! I am so happy for you..oh I want a boy so bad someday! by the way you just might be one of the cutest pregnant women I have seen yet!
congrats SArah!!! That's awesome!
cute cute cute blog! Now, you need to teach me.
Congrats on the boy! I'm in love with your blog design too... good job =)
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