During the month of June we celebrated alot. We were able to celebrate Tucker's birthday at the begining of the month and mine in the middle. Then we were able to celebrate Beau's graduation. So many celebrations.
At the end of the month, June 30th to be exact we were abe to celebrate the 1 year birthday of our Ezra. It was a very special day for us that we chose to spend as a family. We all went to the flower store and bought a pot to place at his headstone. Then we went to dinner together and then went home for Cake. Ezra, may be gone from this mortal life but he is still here with us everyday. His birth was a special day. It is the day that we got to meet him. What a beautiful, strong boy he was. Such and exciting moment. Beau and I are so grateful for getting to know our son. We thank the Lord everyday for blessing us with him. If we had it to do all over again we would do it. What a blessing to be able to meet our son and love him and know him. So yes, June 30th is a day of celebration. It is the day we got to meet our son. I won't lie, it was a hard day as well. Hard because he is not here in our arms. Because we can't see him trying to walk or talk or laugh. Hard because those dreams we once had of raising him in our little family here were shattered. BUT we are going to try to remember the wonderful parts on this special day.
I would just like to say Thank you to everyone that was thinking of us or called to say that they remembered his birthday. Thank you so much. It truly means so much to have people remember him and to keep his memory alive. As parents we pray that he will always be remembered just they way we remember him. I know this is not always possible but we honestly love it when he is remembered.
Sarah, you continue to be an inspiration and a marvel to me. Ezra is lucky to have such an amazing eternal family. Love you.
i agree. You are an inspiration and i'm sure that he feels just as lucky to have YOU as his mommy as YOU feel to have HIM as your little boy!
Thinking of you OFTEN!
big hugs!!!
How precious he is! You really are amazing!
Love ya,
I agree--you are such an inspiration with an amazing story and testimony. Happy Birthday to sweet Ezra I was blessed to have met him and touch his little feet and I thank you for that.
I think of you often and would love to come visit Grand Junction sometime good luck with settling in.
what a super cute boy...he looks so much like Beau in the photo you posted. you've done an amazing job remembering and celebrating his life - you and Beau are such great parents, he's one lucky boy to have you.
Happy Birthday Ezra! He is such a beautiful boy. I know that I am so touched to hear you talk about the joys and blessings that came from being with Ezra. The other girls are so right... he is so lucky to be apart of your amazing eternal family!
Thank you for sharing about your sweet boy! You are an inspiration!
Congrats on finishing school!!! and your relocation to CO! Hope the move goes smoothly!
The pics of Tilly are so adorable.
miss you guys, take care.
koni :)
i love that picture! Happy Birthday Ezra. You are one amazing person, Sarah.
Hope your move went smoothly.
Happy birthday to Ezra, I know that must have been difficult for you. You are a SHINING example to others and as others have stated a courageous young mother.
What a sweet little boy and what a great way to celebrate his birthday.
That is really sweet. Thanks for sharing you thoughts. I second all the comments. You truly an inspiration to all.
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