On to the next updates. Tucker and Tilly have started school. Tucker is in Kindegarten and Tilly is in Pre-K. Oh my heck so hard to take my little man to his first day of school. I sucked it up though and put on a big smile for him. I am so happy that both Tucker and Tilly have friends in their classes. I was so worried that they would feel alone.
We had a very fun and exciting summer and hopefully I will post those pics sometime. I did get to go to a rodeo with my mom and sister! I HAD A BLAST! I love my family so much! How lucky I am.
Okay so today has been kind of crazy. No not just today...lately. I can't really pinpoint what it is in life that is making me feel this way right now. Sooo I've just been pondering. I started thinking about my day today. This is how it went...First I woke up every hour with the kids. We like to play musical beds. then I woke up at 5:10 to go running. I was dressed and ready and then the run was canceled due to lightning. ERRRR MOTHER NATURE!!!!!!!! So I went back to bed. Then I got up at 6:30 and went and fed JJ. Then I went back to bed. Alarm went off at 7:30 ( I reset it after run was canceled) got up showered and threw hair up in a messy bun. NO MAKEUP because no time. Got Tilly all ready for school. Took Tuckers temp 2 different times. Fed breakfast to the kids put them all in the car (that is too small) and drove Tilly to school. I then came home and got Tucker ready for the day. Gave JJ a bath fed a bottle. Put on some makeup and got in car to take Tucker to friends house while I got woman doctor. Got to woman doctor place and SAT THERE FOR AN HOUR!!!!!!!! In the waiting room with a baby that has dihareaha and snotty nose. Noticed that I had to pick up Tilly from school. Went and RESCHEDULED appointment that is a month away...again! Went and picked up Tucker and then went and picked up Tilly. Came home fed lunch put JJ down for about 1 hr. He usually needs 3. Then took all of them to DHS building for JJ to visit birth father. Ran to store and then back to pick up JJ. Came home cleaned rooms made beds, cleaned kitchen, got dinner going , swept floors, made popcorn for kids while they watch movie. And now I'm here. WHEW! So now I know why life is crazy. I'm sure most people can handle busy busy. NOT ME! I feel like when that happens sometimes the important things like family time and stuff like that get put on the back burner. Siiiigh. I also thought that if I were getting paid for what I do everyday...I'd be one rich momma.
Now, I know this is a really complain -ee (TOTALLY MADE UP WORD) post but I need to do it. Right now I'm typing with my big fat Skull Candy headphones on (thank you Ron) and listening to Hillary Weeks. TOTALLY need to be alone with my thoughts. Does anyone else every feel that way? Where there is so much going on in your head about what you have to do and what happened that day that you just need to mentally be away? I'm really feeling kind of naughty because the kids want to come in here with me and I keep telling them that mommy needs just a tinsy bit of alone time. :) Anyways, I'm going to try to start updating more often. Enjoy these few pics!
P.S.Jessie I hope this is good enough for a little bit. hehe

glad you are back! and what an adorable little guy. congrats! and hang in there with lifes daily battles...you are doing awesome.
I am SO EXCITED that you blogged. I know. I'm pathetic... i just LOVE keeping in touch this way and seeing pix of the kids etc.
HOORAY for Mr. JJ...
i'm gonna buy tix to Joshua Radin this week. I'll text you and let you know when I do!
It was so fun to see you last month, I will get you that picture when I finally upload my pictures. I hear ya about these crazy mom days, good luck and enjoy your alone time when you can get it!
way to update sarah!! Love the rodeo pics! I miss rodeos.... I haven't found any in the big city yet. Crazy Tucker is in Kindergarten. Time flies. I hope you can find some more time to relax for your self.
Yea! A post, a post! Congrats!
breathe girl.. you are busy! I am so glad that you are going to start updating your blog! Those kids of your are getting bigger by the second...
Looks like its time to start up the mini van again with handsome Mr. JJ added to the fam! Oh I want to love on him so bad!
Love you and call me soon
I'm with Jessie, I love to look at pics of everyone's kids, all growing up. Tucker and Tilly are getting so big, what cuties. And congrats on little JJ, what a sweetheart! Babies remind you how hard, but also how fun life can be.
I miss you! Your kids are getting so grown up. They are darling. We are due for a chat. Way to blog. Does this mean we'll get another one in another year?
Your kids are so cute! Tilly is adorable! When did she grow up?! I cannot relieve Tucker is in Kindergarten! JJ is a cutie!
I love the rodeo! Looks like you had a blast with family!
Life can definitely be crazy! I have days where I feel just like you and feel guilty for feeling that way. I say do your best and know your limitations. That's at least what I try to do! Sarah you are amazing! Glad you are blogging again!
Sarah!!! So, has life slowed down? HAHA! I usually get that way at least once a week (the LEAVE ME THE HECK ALONE way), so you're doing great! ;-) LOVES!!
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