So here are the ultrasound pictures of our little guy. I'm going to have to say it was such a fun ultrasound. When Beau and I went to Tucker and Tilly's ultrasounds we would get so excited to see them move an arm or leg. BUT THIS LITTLE GUY...holy cow you would've thought that I had downed like 5 cups of coffee. He honestly did not stop moving. We were in there for 30 min or more. They couldn't get the measurements because he wouldn't stay still long enough. It was sooo FUN! I can't wait to meet this little man. Tucker and Tilly are so excited for the baby. Tucker is starting to understand and catch on to the fact that he is going to have a little "br-uh-der". A funny story is that a few days before I found out I was pregnant Tucker was sitting at the table with his head in his hands and let out this HUGE sigh. I asked him what was wrong. Tucker said "Mom, when is my br-uh-der going to get here?" I laughed at him and told him I didn't know he had a brother. He looked up at me with a very serious look and told me "yes mom, my bruhder Max." (we are not naming him Max). He frequently brings "max" up in conversation. Tilly, doesn't really get that I am going to have a baby. I think she just thinks that my belly is a baby right now and always wants to kiss it. Even in church. I know that these two are going to love this little guy so much and I am so excited to have him join us finally. I know Beau is really excited as well. He's going to have his two boys. All Red Sox fans! This is such an exciting time for our family. Having Tucker and Tilly here to join in on the excitement is what makes it that much more exciting for both Beau and myself.
That was a bit long but oh well...they are memories right!

oooh my gosh!! oh how exciting sarie!! That just makes me all the more excited for him!! july seems like forEVER away now!!!!
Wow, those are great pics!
so cute! i love ultrasounds!
Look at you doing the photoshop thing. Looking good. I think from the pics, he looks like a little Tucker, glad things look good
cute cute Sarah. I'm so excited for you guys. I'm lovin the pages. You don't even need help anymore. You got it down!!
I LOVE ultrasound day. Really, I count down to ultrasound day and then countdown to the birth.
Not Max huh? What names are you lovin right now? What a great time!
good pics of the ultrasound, Sarah! I'm glad it was a fun ultrasound for you guys!
That is so sweet! My little Niece used to say the same thing about having a little sister "Chila" (sp?) And no they did not name their next Chila. Kids are wonderful!
Those are such great ultrasound pictures. All of them!! I've never gotten such great results. He must be a really COOPERATIVE baby! A boy will be a perfect addition to your cute family!
You guys must be so excited. That's so fun!
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