Friday, January 25, 2008

So yes I am..........

PREGO! Yes, I know that most of you know already but oh well. I am 14 1/2 wks and I was able to go to th doctor today and listen to the heartbeat. I LOVE THAT PART! It is so awesome to actually hear the little ticker working.hehehe. I am really excited about this pregnancy I've been wanting it for a litte while.
So far this has been an okay pregnancy. I was hit hard w/ nausea and fatigue, but I'm doing alot better. I do I still get tired but the nausea isn't as bad. Okay another thing...I am already having bad heartburn. WHAT THE HECK! Is that normal? I've already downed 8 Tums tonight. It's killin me Smalls. Seriously. So yes there you are...I'm not just fat. Although man it seems like the weight gain is coming on strong. HEHEHE...maybe if I wasn't feeding my face all the time. HAHHAAHA.


Shamo said...

oh geeez! My heart does not go out to you AT ALL! ...i've never seen anybody look so good going through pregnancy!!! seriously! about the heartburn though....i had it wicked with nik and this is what i found to help at night: 2 tsp baking soda dissolved in about 1/2 cup of watm water and then guzzle baby GUZZLE! you can literally feel the flames extinguish as the miracle tonic slides down your throat. PLUS you get some narley burpage action!hahahaaaaa

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! Happy baby! :)

Jessie Riley said...

YEA! I'm so excited for you.
SO... when are you buying a mini-van?

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Feeling your pain with the heartburn. If you can handle the baking soda concoction that Becs recommends, do it. Otherwise, you and I are doomed to bring millions of dollars to Tums until July. It is normal, by the by, to get heartburn this early. Especially if it isn't your first baby. They say it comes on earlier with each one. Bummer deal...but at least you get a baby at the end!!

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

oh! and help me change my background, please!

Heather O'Brien said...

Congrats Sarah! That is SOOOO exciting. You are the cutest prego girl ever.

Jessica Sorensen said...

Congratulation! About the heart burn thing I was hit pretty hard with heart burn at 13 weeks and tums wasn't cutting it for me so I said something to my doctor and she told me to take pepcid complete it helps a lot. So maybe just mention that you have to take a lot of tums to your doctor and he can give you something else. Good Luck!

[RochelleG] said...

You are so adorable. You're basically the hottest pregnant woman I have EVER seen!

The Stevens said...

Congrats to you guys, that's great! Hopefully the heartburn goes away and all goes well! Good luck!

Rachel said...

I'm so glad that you've announced now! I'm so excited for you!

Jen said...

Woo Hoo! Glad is it out now! And you are not gaining weight like crazy! Just have a cute little baby bump!

Chereebee said...

Hooray - I'm so excited for you!! Are you going to find out what you're having???
You are soooo dang cute pregnant!!

510Jen said...

Look at you hot mamma. Glad it you finally announced. Didn't know if I could tell or not. GEEEEZ

Bullard Family said...

Congrats!! Thats awesome. I have told you before you are the cutest pregnant person ever.

Veronica Reeve said...

Congrats!!! I'm sure Baby Ross #3 will be beautiful!! Keep us posted and good luck! You look darling!

Jason, Kim, & Kallie said...

Beautiful Mommy! Seriously you look amazing! And yes the baking soda works wonders.... it did for me.

Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't even know. Gosh just because I am in Florida doesn't mean I am out of the

Betsy said...


The Atwood's said...

Congratulations!!! The big 3rd baby huh? You'll have to let me know how it goes. ;) You look so cute.

Nancy K said...