Saturday, February 2, 2008


So I just watched this older Cold Case show and it was all I needed to make this decision. There are so many dang sickos out there that literally search the website for pictures of kids and what not. So not okay with that. So if you want an invite than I need your email. I think I will set it to private on Friday so let me know...even if you just look bt don't comment still let me know your email and I will send an invite.


Anna said...

WAY cute hair! What a pretty mama you are. I love the panties on the kids heads. Where do you think you learned that weird thing? Hahahahaha! Mom

Chereebee said...

me, me, me!

You have my email :)

Heather O'Brien said...

me for sure!!!!

Jennifer said...

Hey, it's neighbor Jenn. I don't know how to add folks as friends to this blog yet. so, what was on this cold case? Now you have me worried! You'll have to show me how to work this thing. Here is my blog

SarahandJD said...

Sarah I want to stay up to date. You have my email!

Bullard Family said...

You know I am in for sure... I watched the same one and I am thinking of doing this too, I guess better safe than sorry right?
You have my e-mail

Jessie Riley said...

You have my email too...

Anonymous said...

Sarah you know mine.

Jen said...

oh course

Veronica Reeve said...

Sarah, add me!! I'm pretty sure you have my email.

The Stevens said...

Not sure if you have our email or not?

LCFrohm said...

Count me in!
Thanks! I think I'm going to go private too. Not that anyone reads my blog. But it is getting a little too scarey out there.

510Jen said...

me for sure!

Shana said...

Yikes. Here's my email I wonder if I should make mine private as well. Although who would want pics of just me and my hubby right? ha ha

Jason, Kim, & Kallie said...

count me in too sarah

Candice said...

Count me in. Thanks for the LOVELY pictures of me on your blog. Can't wait to get you back when your as huge as me!

Alison said...

definitely count me in. And I'll send you that fruit tart recipe soon!

teresa said...

yes please!! you are too cute.

Marisa Woolsey said...

Sarah for sure Add me, Although you dont know me, I am BFFAF with Rebecca..

Street Fam said...

Send me an invite

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

I want an invite too!

Rachel said...

add me to your list!

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

hey sarah...don't forget to invite me!!

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Sarah...will you change the background on my blog??? k thanks.

Carly said...

Oh now you are making me scared! Count me in. :)

[RochelleG] said...

count me in for sure girlfriend!

Nancy K said...