Sunday, February 10, 2008


So there I am sitting on my couch watching a program on sharks(I like Discovery)not noticing that my husband is digging around in my secret hiding place. Hiding place for what? Well it is my hiding place for clothes that I have bought and not told him about. HAHAHAHA. I know NAUGHTY! All of the sudden I hear the crinkling of a sack. My stomach drops...."Sarah...what is this?". This is how I looked when he pulled this out!

I mean come on...I was going to tell him about...just not right away! Sometimes I need to ease him into accepting my purchases. Anyways, I smiled and said "Oh yeah (like it was no biggie) I got those a week ago. I think I might return them.". He just sat there and smiled at me knowing that I was completely full of crap. HAHAHA...I'm going to have to say I was EMBARRASSED! I mean I know I shouldn't keep things from my husband....AND I DON'T..but when it comes to little purchases on clothes or shoes...well then SOMETIMES I am naughty and I don't tell him. I know probably something I need to work on. AND I WILL. From this day forward I will always show him every purchase I have made...big or small. So enough blabbing I'm done.


Veronica Reeve said...

I've done this too!! OK, sometimes there is a great sale, or you don't want them to run out of something before you can buy it, or you just don't want to have to go back and buy it later, so you HAVE to buy it (of coarse) and ask later, ease them into it, you know? That is the beauty of returning things. :) You are not alone.

Shamo said...

oh geez! PUH-LEASE! I have two cards jonathan doesn't know about. now...mind you...i don't actually use them frequently but if there happens to come a time or a need for some updated clothes....why then, i just go get what i need and pay the card off with him none the wiser and no harm done. As long as you don't have creidotrs calling and leaving messages for you and you are handeling things's all good baby. honestly, when jonathan freaks out about things i buy that he IS allowed to know about....i have to remind him that i am an adult and just as mindful of our financial situation as he is and am no more interested in bankrupting us than he have a little faith. If a shirt was gonna break the damn bank, i wouldn't buy it. so they just need to sit back and chiiiiiiiiill.

[RochelleG] said...

HAHA! I used to do this too. Now I tell him I bought something and where I got it. When he asks how much I just tell him not to worry about it!

Swensons said...

I have two hiding places.....One for clothes, the other for shoes!!! I HAVE AN ADDICTION!!! I'm not super bad, but sometimes you just HAVE to have it! If my husband is going to put us in thousands of dollars in debt for schooling...I might has well look good doing it!!!

Chereebee said...

oh I love it - that is SO ME!!! I have my corner of hidden goods. I always like to remind Brett that I'm not the only girl that has her hidden stash of shopping stuff :)
Oh I knew I loved you Sarah - hee hee:)

SarahandJD said...

Sarah-Glad to here there are more gilrs like me. WHen ever I buy in my head i'm always thinking of my explanation. Pretty soon you will be hiding te chick fila receipts like me :) Good thing I'm getting the gym pass.

kendra said...

Cam doesn't know what I buy until I'm wearing it. It's only when I wear something new everyday for a week that he says something like, "You've been shopping a lot lately...." It's just better that we don't talk about it. In fact don't tell him but I went shopping this morning and came back with much more than I was planning on!

Carly said...

I love it! Seriously I would not be allowed to have access to our bank account if I didn't have a hiding spot. It is essential to shopping. Sorry you got busted. :(

Shamo said...

niiiiiice sarah! Because of your STUPID post and me trying to make you feel better....I GOT BUSTED! Ya that's right.....jon came home from work today and asked me about the cards i have that he didn't know about!!! He got on your page and read my comment!!! WHO DOES THAT!?!?!? i didn't think jon would have any interest in your blog!! evidently...i was sadly mistaken.....NICE SARAH!!!!

Heather O'Brien said...

Oh, that sucks! I'm loving the picture of the girl! I'm sure you looked a little cuter! j/k. Tell Beau all girls have their hiding places and if they don't they're just lying! I tried calling you back today but it was busy busy busy and then no answer.

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd get caught!!!!! That makes me laugh...S...the little S slept last night...I feel good!

Nancy K said...

I'm cracking up!

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Find a new place...that's all I have to say. I don't shop though, so I don't have this problem. Rob should try to find a hiding place, but I'm too smart for him.